Performance in grammar of English as a foreign language (EFL) is an essential part of successful communication. And communicative teaching of grammar is essential to the eventual mastery of EFL. The most effective grammar teaching can be achieved through output enhancement to teach language that both communicative and interactive. There are many techniques to teach grammar effectively in the context of the communicative and interactive language classroom. Participants in the study were first-year secondary school students during the first semester of the academic year 1438-1439 H. The researcher employed a teaching strategy based on output enhancement to teach grammar in meaningful and communicative contexts. The results show that the proposed teaching strategy proved to be effective in improving the students' performance in grammar. In addition, providing students with carefully-timed combinations of repetition and elicitation is very effective in helping them develop their learning of grammar. EFL instructors are recommended to integrate appropriate combinations of output enhancement techniques to teach grammar to their students.
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