Hassan Sa’id Umar, Ikechukwu Joseph Okafor, Obinna Innocent Nweke


This research examined graduates’ unemployment reduction in Abuja, using the NYSC’s Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) Programme as a case in point. The study adopted a descriptive approach, and anchored on the Oxenfeldt’s refugee effects theory which states that unemployment drives youth to self-employment. The study revealed that SAED programme has contributed to 35% business employment for those who completed the post-camp training. Findings also show that corps members participate in the in-camp training. However, there seems to be a very sharp decline in participation between the in-camp and post camp segments of the programme as very few participates in the post-camp exercise where the main skill acquisition training is expected to take place. The reduction in number in the post-camp training is occasioned by some challenges ranging from unconducive training/seminar venues, attitude of trainers, inadequate time etc. which leads to loss of interest in the programme. This is coupled with the fact that the post camp training attracts payment, and the NYSC is not actually involved in the negotiation of the terms of engagement of the corps members with the trainers in the post-camp training. More still, training centres do not exist in all the areas especially in the remote ones. It is against this backdrop that the study recommends that for effective and efficient skill acquisition and participation of corps members both in the in-camp and post-camp training exercise, adequate sensitization, conducive training environment, quality lectures/trainings, availability of skill acquisition centres, accessibility to credit facilities, and that NYSC should be involved in negotiation and monitoring of skill acquisition training programmes in the post-camp exercises among others.

JEL: L20; L23; O15


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unemployment, job creation, skill acquisition, entrepreneurship development, youth

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