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Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Prof. Dr., Graduate School of Management, Management & Science University, Malaysia
Ab Yazid, Mohd Shukri, Graduate School of Management, Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies, Management and Science University (MSU), Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Abdallaoui, Issaad, Doctoral student, ENCG-Tanger, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Morocco
Abmahdi, Musbah Amer, Kastamonu University, Institute for Social Science, Department Of Business Administration, Turkey
Abou-Al-Ross, Sami Ali, Dr., Business Administration Department, College of Economics and Business Sciences, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine
Absah, Yeni, Lecturers in Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Absah, Yeni, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Absah, Yeni, Lecturer of Doctoral Program in Management Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Adeoye, S. O., Department of Business Administration & Marketing, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Adhika, I Nyoman Resa, Lecturer of Economics and Business Faculty, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar Indonesia
Adjei, Deborah, Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Accra Technical University, Ghana
Adjetey, Patience, Procurement and Supply Chain Management Department, Accra Technical University, Ghana
Aguiling, Hector M., The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Agustina, A.
Ahmad, A., Post-graduate Students of Master of Management, Wisnuwardhana University Malang, Indonesia
Ahmad, Manal, MBA Graduate, College of Business and Law, Dar Al~Hekma University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Aini, Wirdatul, Lecturer at Department of Non-Formal Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Ajala, O. P., Department of Business Administration & Marketing, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Akamobi, Obiageli Gloria, Department of Economics, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU), Anambra State, Nigeria
Akinlabi, Babatunde Hamed, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Babcock University, Nigeria
Akpa, Victoria Ozioma, School of Management Sciences, Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
Akpa, Victoria Ozioma, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Babcock University, Nigeria
Aktaş, Yaşar, Prof. Dr., Kastamonu University, Institute for Social Science, Department Of Business Administration, Turkey
Aktaruzzaman, Md, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Bangladesh
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