This article conceptualizes the theme of Institutional Communication. Contrary to some authors who categorize it as distinct and independent from internal communication, we defend it, however, as more comprehensive and integrative. We consider Institutional Communication as a set of procedures to disseminate information of general interest on the policies of action and the objectives of organizations, aimed at making these proposals understandable. However, this type of information will then be useful for groups in an intra or extra-organizational context, and should start by being applied internally; the structure can only assume itself as active and complete insofar as there are people within it who give it life. This should therefore not be perceived as a merely functional system, in the wake of a productivist thought that saw it only as a means to obtain ends: on the contrary, it is the action of individuals that gives it meaning. It is based on this perspective that we present this second part of the article, essentially focused on the issue of intra-organizational communication and on the privileged role that human relations assume in the incessant search for efficiency on the part of institutions.
JEL: M10; M11; L10
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