This study aims at shedding light on the impact of cultural responsibilities and community engagement of Muslim women on employment opportunities and employers’ practices in the British labour market. The descriptive-analytical approach was adopted. Also, a questionnaire was designed to collect data from Muslim women who are qualified to work and either have a job or seeking one, considering that they belong to different backgrounds in the UK. The cultural responsibilities and identity engagement don’t have a strong influence on improving Muslim women’s chances to get hired. Even though to a certain level there are positive indicators of adaptation to the British culture. Moreover, the respondents don’t perceive employment opportunities and employers’ practices in a highly positive way. Even though that most of them are living in the UK for a long period of time and some of them are British citizens, in addition, they are educationally qualified and enjoy a high level of English language proficiency. It is recommended that Muslim women should exercise more positive changes regarding their cultural responsibilities and identity engagement. Furthermore, Muslim women need to be more active in their environment and the labour market to get better access to jobs. In addition, it is recommended to have the British employers follow new policies of recruitment that ensure diversity and equality towards minority groups, especially Muslim women. As this will result in influencing positively employment opportunities for Muslim women.
JEL: E24; L20
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