Garry L. Bastida


Business organizations’ success is achieved when there is the interplay of ideal perceived support, motivation, commitment between employees and employers. The purpose of the study was aimed first to determine the moderating effect of motivation on the relationship between perceived support and organizational commitment, and second, determine the relationship of perceived support, motivation, and organizational commitment among 135 State Universities and Colleges (SUC) library personnel in Mindanao. It made use of quantitative research design specifically the descriptive-correlational. An adapted and modified research instrument was used in gathering the data. Person product-moment correlation (Pearson r) was employed to determine the level of significance of the relationship between perceived support and organizational commitment when moderated by motivation. Moreover, hierarchical regression was used to analyze the moderating effect of motivation on the relationship between perceived support and organizational commitment. The findings revealed that the overall levels of perceived support, motivation, organizational commitment of library personnel were all high. Interrelationships among variables were found to be significant. Finally, the perceived support and organizational commitment relationship were not significantly moderated by motivation.


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business, motivation, perceived support, organizational commitment, descriptive-correlational, Philippines

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