The decision to the selection of managers comes with the consideration of several factors, especially in a cooperative organization. With this, the study was conducted to provide a scenario on how cooperatives perform when it comes to the recruitment of a manager and identify the relative importance of the features or attributes (management style, educational attainment, experience, and areas of expertise) in determining cooperatives’ best and least-preferred manager. A total of 400 members of the cooperative Board of Directors responded to a survey which employed 20 software-generated placards. Using a metric conjoint analysis, this study found out that as far as cooperatives in Mindanao are concerned, the areas of expertise of a manager is the most important attribute, while the educational attainment of a manager is the least important attribute. On aggregate, a manager with expertise in member relations is most preferred, while a manager that has educational attainment of a doctoral degree is the least preferred attribute level. The additive model of conjoint analysis further revealed that the most preferable manager is one that has a democratic style of management, holder of bachelor’s degree, with two to four years of experience and has an expertise in member relations, while the least preferred combination is a manager that has a management style by walking around or listening type, holder of bachelor’s degree, one year or less experienced, and has an expertise in marketing and promotions. Implications of this study are also discussed.
JEL: J24; O15; L20
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