The study deals with the moderating effect of organizational environment on the relationship between spiritual leadership and quality of work-life among police officers. The quantitative non-experimental design was used in the study. The respondents of the study were the police non-commission officers, non-uniform personnel, and commission officers. There were 400 respondents were used as study participants. The researcher collected information from Region X police stations with 22 police stations for Bukidnon Provincial Police, Provincial Police Office. The statistical tools used were Mean in order to describe the level of spiritual leadership and organizational environment; Pearson’s r to determine the significance of the relationship between spiritual leadership, quality of the work-life and organizational environment, hierarchical regression analysis, and Hayes Process modgraph were used to establish the significance of the influence between spiritual leadership, quality of the work-life and organizational environment and the modraph Sobel z-test to determine the moderating effect of organizational environment on the relationship of spiritual leadership and quality of work-life. Findings revealed significant relationship between the three variables. Finally, organizational environment was seen to fully moderate the already significant effect of spiritual leadership towards quality of work-life among police personnel. Implications were discussed.
JEL: L10; O15
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