Nurita Widianti


Stress is a condition that arises due to a discrepancy between the demands received and the ability to overcome them. Each person's stress resistance can be different depending on the somato-psychosocial state (Fitri et al, 2012). Job stress is an emotional and physical response that disturbs and causes harm arising from job demands that are not in accordance with competence. Resilience is the capacity of individuals to face, overcome, strengthen themselves and continue to make changes in relation to problems or trials experienced, each individual has the capacity to be resilient. Based on observations and interviews that have been conducted with seafarers, the stress that occurs on seafarers while carrying out tasks on board greatly affects their lives, the more quickly they are provoked by emotions, the more easily they get angry so they are involved in acts of violence against other people on board. The research method used was a phenomenological type qualitative method approach, the respondents of this study were seafarers of productive age and had 10 years of sailing experience. Data analysis used is observation, open interviews and non-formal interviews. The results of this study showed that seafarers' resilience attitudes and behaviors were influenced by seafarers' personal abilities (I AM), their ability to make good use of their resilience resources (I HAVE) and their ability (I CAN) to get out of stress, depression, bad experiences and past traumas. The synergy of the three is a source of resilience for sailors. Resilience in seafarers is strengthened and formed by the existence of social support obtained by seafarers through relationships with family, friends, community and the existence of work cultural values that are determined by both work cultural values from the office or work cultural values from the skipper on the ship.


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resilience, stress, personal ability, social support, work culture values

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