Shelmith Mugo, Hannah Bula


Without a doubt, the most significant valuable asset for every company is its workforce. Retaining and satisfying staff is the hardest thing a business can do in today's cutthroat economy. Being a business owner means you have to find ways to cut expenses without sacrificing the quality of your net outcome. Therefore, although employers want more from their staff, employees also want more from them. Rewarding workers for putting out their best effort to come up with innovative ideas that improve company efficiency and further enhance both the financial and non-financial performance of the firm is one of the most effective ways to inspire employees. Kenya School of Law faces challenges pertaining to rewards strategies due to inadequate budgetary allocation and prolonged policy development processes that have affected employee performance. Recently, the Kenya School of Law reported reduced staff and staff dissatisfaction as among the reasons for not meeting its objectives. This thus justified the need as to why this study was carried out, with the aim to examine reward strategies and the performance of employees in Kenya School of Law. The specific objective of the study was: to analyze the effect of healthcare benefits on the performance of employees in Kenya School of Law. The study utilized a descriptive research design. The study targeted 155 respondents who are employees of the Kenya School of Law. The census approach was adopted as a result of the limited size of the research population. Both open and closed-ended questions in the questionnaire tool were employed to collect primary data from the respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 and Microsoft Excel and through inferential statistics mainly through multiple regression analysis. The study concludes that healthcare benefits should be taken into consideration since they had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at the Kenya School of Law.


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health benefits, employee rewards, employee performance

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