Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Nikmah Binti Hasbullah, Nurul Norazia Binti Jaaffar, Oh Suat Hong


The main objective of the current study is to identify the critical factors that affect employee commitment within one of the major insurance companies in Malaysia. The current study, based on the theoretical framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, analysed the influences of specific managerial practices, such as mentoring, job delegation, employee empowerment, and job rotation, on employee commitment. To achieve the set goal, a quantitative survey was conducted among 358 employees using a structured questionnaire. For confidentiality, the name of the insurance company is withheld. The study has indicated that mentoring, job delegation, employee empowerment, and job rotation of employees are positively related factors. The findings of the study suggest that the practice related to employee empowerment, which implies the possibility of providing workers with the needed amount of authority and autonomy, is the most influential factor. It indicates that companies should work on the improvements related to that area to ensure that their employees are dedicated. However, being significant as well, the need to mentor and delegate employees to outline their roles is stressed. The job rotation factor, although positively related, was insignificant. This may be explained as a result of the lack of suitable stimuli in the organization. Thus, the given insights provide practical implications for focused training and development interventions in the insurance sector in Malaysia.

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employee commitment, mentoring, job delegation, empowerment, job rotation, insurance industry, training and development

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