Joseph Owusu, Gabriel Amoah Dapaah, Belinda Edem Livingston, Agnes Kyeremaa Awasu


This study was conducted to assess the effects of employee attitude on job performance at the Sunyani Technical University using survey data. The quantitative research design was used in the study. A structured questionnaire was the main instrument used to obtain data from 135 respondents from the estimated 450 population. SPSS (v.21) was used to analyse the data. The study found that employees’ attitudes positively or negatively influence the performance of the university under study. It was also discovered that employees’ attitudes are formed and shaped by several factors, which can be both internal and external. The study measured certain variables for the purpose of achieving the study objective against how these influence employee productivity, and the study concluded that employee involvement and engagement, Job satisfaction, lateness to work, and employee absenteeism have a significant effect on job performance. Nonetheless, the study also discovered that organisational commitment, dispositional personality causes and cultural causes, intrinsic job factors and organizational factors have insignificant effects on employee productivity. The study concludes that an employee’s attitude partially predicts employee performance. The study recommends that management motivate employees to improve their work productivity.


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employee attitude, job performance, upshot/effects, technical university

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v8i2.1799


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