The integration of information and communication technologies in the context of human resources management has completely reinvented organizational operating practices, transformed human capital management and streamlined internal processes. The aim of this paper is to examine the main theoretical and empirical frameworks of e-HRM, to verify their potentially positive impacts on organizational results, as well as their validity for the Moroccan market. Notwithstanding a number of strengths, e-HRM in fact represents a complex set of challenges surrounding technology, employee expectations and the dynamics of organizational change. In light of the mixed analysis including a strong literature review component and the identified potential key success factors, focused on empirical data, a specific SEM model for Moroccan business can be developed. The research results show that Performance Expectation, Effort Expectation, Social Influence and Enabling Conditions play the central role in the process of adoption and use of e-HRM systems. In addition, the support of managers and HR professionals, as well as the training and involvement of users, add to the effectiveness of this technology. Practical recommendations for companies wishing to implement e-HRM and key findings highlight both the technical and social dimensions of the process. The content of this study makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of the use of information and communication technology in HRM, providing the basis for future studies
JEL: M12, M15, O33, J24, L86
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