Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Choong Kah Mun, Jeyanthi Raman, Rafael Johann Gom


This research investigates the influence of remote work on employee motivation in the context of the banks of Malaysia. The research employed Alderfer’s ERG theory, and the quantitative method was used. In relation to this, a survey with self-administered questions was distributed among employees of various banks to investigate whether remote work condition influences their motivation. A response rate of 78% with 313 participants was received. After the data analysis, it was revealed that remote conditions do influence motivation. Additionally, it was found that such aspects as teamwork, social interaction, and personal development opportunities are improved, leading to higher motivation of employees. Moreover, it was found that working conditions and career advancement positively influenced motivation, while well-being did not have a significant effect. This implies that motivation is mainly influenced by the issues of relatedness and growth. In such a way, the conclusion can be drawn that banks should consider improving their remote work conditions. The existing research adds to the literature, as it investigated how different aspects of remote work affect motivation, which may guide the implementation of human resources strategies in the banking sector.


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motivation, work condition, well-being, social interaction, teamwork, personal development, career advancement, banking sector

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