Andrew Sija


The issue of employers often failing to provide the required training and support to meet employees’ expectations is crucial, especially if the organization wants to remain competitive and prioritise employees' career growth and development.  This study's overarching aim is to empirically examine how training and development impact employee performance in selected manufacturing enterprises (MMEs). An unrestricted Probability sampling strategy was deployed with a mixed approach on a total of 155 respondents from various level positions collected through a self-administered questionnaire, and direct interviews were also conducted with respondents from selected manufacturing enterprises.   The collected data was analyzed using statistical tools (SPSS version 21). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used as a measure of the strength and direction of the impact relationship. This study seeks to establish how the independence variables, i.e. training and development, impact employee performance. The results revealed that training and development were critical and had a strong, significant relationship with employee performance. The significant regression equation was found p< .05, with an R² = .461. The R² value of .461 indicates that 46.1% of the variation in employee performance is significantly explained by the model containing independent variables. Therefore, the study contributes to the development of training and development literature by providing a reasonable explanation of its effects on employee performance. Moreover, analysis of unstandardized coefficients shows that the beta value of 0.700 was supported by stronger predictors affecting employee performance in manufacturing enterprises.


training and development, training need assessment, training design, training delivery, training evaluation, employee performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v8i2.1878


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