Organizations in the past have neglected talents employees. Alongside, the role of human resources has been limited to attract and train the staff. Therefore, this study discusses the relationship between HRM and talent management towards organisational success in the UAE aluminium industry context. For this study, data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from the various aluminium companies operating in UAE. The respondents for this study were the employees working at various aluminium companies in UAE. A random sampling method was used to select the samples for this study. A self-administered questionnaire was developed basing on the literature review. However, few items were also be adapted from the existing scales on HRM, Organisational success and talent management. After adapting, all the items were modified according to the study requirements to make those fit for UAE context. The respondents were chosen from the different companies randomly. Prior to that, the respondents were asked their willingness to participate in this survey and only those who voluntarily agreed were given the questionnaire. The study findings show that there is a strong relationship between HRM and talent management towards organizational success in the UAE aluminium industry context. The potential implications and recommendations of this study are discussed from methodological, empirical, and practical standpoints.
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