The core of HRM is said to be the policies, rules and regulations that sets the tone for employees in regards to their behaviours at work. Positive, good, transparent, clear and non-discriminatory policies, rules and regulations at work should theoretically help employees in achieving and realizing their best potentials and in turn affect the organizations’ performance. This study examines the relationships between management of human resource policies and employees’ engagement (EE), and turnover intention (TI) in Brunei’s Islamic banks. Specifically, this study investigates the relationships of human resource policies (number of policies, the clarity of the policies, enforcement practices of the policies) on EE and TI. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to Islamic Banks in Brunei and 119 questionnaires were completed and returned by the respondents and used as the primary data in the analysis. The findings revealed that the management of human resource policies in Islamic banks in Brunei in overall is significantly positively related to employee engagement. On the contrary, management of human resource policy in overall is not significantly related to turnover intention.
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