This study examined abusive supervision and organizational cynicism as predictors of cyber-loafing among federal civil service employees in Anambra State, Nigeria. Three hundred and twenty-nine (329) public sector employees served as participants in the study. The participants were 147 males and 182 females. The age of the participants ranged from 27 to 53 years, with a mean age of 39yrs and standard deviation of 1.42yrs. The participants were selected through cluster and simple random sampling technique. Being a cross-sectional survey studies, correlation design and multiple regression analysis were used as the appropriate design and statistical tool to analyze the data obtained from the field study respectively. The result confirmed that abusive supervision significantly predicted cyber-loafing among federal civil servants in Nigeria at α = .51, p < .05 (n=229). Also organizational cynicism significantly predicted cyber-loafing among federal civil servants at α = .63, p < .05 (n=229). It is recommended that organizational leader-member exchange be improved to checkmate abusive supervision while increasing fairness and equity in the organization.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v0i0.319
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