The thrust of this paper focused on the soaring unemployment rate in Nigerian on the heels of falling gross domestic product which is a direct consequence of Nigerian mono-economy currently running as crude-oil economy. Against this circumstance, this study therefore focused on the problems of unemployment in Nigeria and the convergence utilization of entrepreneurship models to sensitize enterprising spirit among Nigerians for job and wealth creation especially creating a mindset away from the paranoid dependency on government’s white collar jobs. The study evaluated the components of Econo-psychological entrepreneurship model by Bird (1988) and Institutional ecology theory of entrepreneurial intentions by Meyer and Rowan (1977) especially where their utility converged in application to the real unemployment situation in Nigeria. It is hoped that the theoretical framework will enable stakeholders in Nigeria explore practical avenues of job creation through legislation and taking advantage of the abundant human and natural resources in Nigeria. The success of this theoretical application will reduce unemployment and poverty among Nigerians.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v0i0.369
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