The Effect of Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. Buma Perindahindo at LNG Tangguh Site, Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni – Papua Barat. This study aimed to examine on partially and simultaneously the effects of motivation (X1), job satisfaction (X2), work discipline (X3) on the employee performance (Y) at PT. Buma Perindahindo LNG Tangguh site, West Papua. The samples were taken as many as 97 employees selected by saturated sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire while data analysis used multiple linear regression. Partially result this study proved that motivation (X1) have a significant effect on employee performance (Y) for 14.3 %, job satisfaction (X2) have a significant effect on employee performance (Y) for 10.6%, while work discipline (X3) gave an insignificant effect on employee performance (Y) for 3.8%. Simultaneously result Motivation (X1), job satisfaction (X2), work discipline (X3) have a significant effect on employee performance (Y) for 26.3%.
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