One of the teaching evaluation processes at EAC-Cavite is the peer evaluation exercise. In order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, teachers are encouraged to conduct classroom peer observation as a component of the faculty evaluation. The major purpose of this study was to assess and analyze the importance of Peer Evaluation as part of personal improvement and professional development of teachers at EAC-Cavite. Using the qualitative method of research and documentary analysis, this study sought to explore the importance of peer evaluation exercise to improve the teaching and learning process, to critically analyze the participants’ teaching practice, and to gain new insights in their own area of expertise from the teacher’s performance in the classroom observation as part of professional growth. The researchers discovered some of the best practices of teaching through feedback and it highlights its implications in the TL process. The researchers conclude that peer evaluation is effective and should continuously be implemented in all schools at EAC-Cavite. Finally, the result will be the basis of the administration to enhance and support the teachers’ professional development.
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