The current study aimed to measure the mediating role of project management between TQM and Organisational success relationship in Agriculture and Fisheries. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from the various Agriculture and Fisheries companies operating in Sultanate of Oman. For hypothesis testing, SEM was employed. The finding indicates having a full mediation in the model. The emergence of internet technology has led to tremendous changes in Organisational structure and impact on project management towards Organisational success. Many companies are trying in this competitive market to be successful in their product offerings by given the customer with the best possible experiences. As a result, managers, and CEOs are concerned about taking the right direction to introduce new training to manage their qualified employees. Nonetheless, this study is more concerned about TQM and project management towards Organisational success from the Oman Agriculture and Fisheries perspective. Conversely, to be successful in this competitive market, all companies must care about their employees.
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