In the era of economic globalization and knowledge economy, science and technology are not only the focus of competition among countries but also the focus of competition among enterprises. The most significant competition in the science and technology fields is related to human resources. For this reason, the recruitment and retention of the talent suitable for the development of the organization has become the center and origin of sustainable development and competitiveness. The traditional recruitment emphasizes on matching people to positions. An individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to follow and fulfill the needs of a position in the best way. Therefore, the person-position recruitment model had become important for a certain period. However, this approach ignores the effects of individuals and other organizational factors on organizational development. In this approach, the degree of the match between recruited individuals and individual and organizational culture values cannot be estimated, and this leads to some adjustment problems. Therefore, there was a necessity to make some changes in the traditional recruitment model. If there is a new position, it should not only be called to fill it, candidates should be seen as individual psychological entities. In the new period, the focus was on the attitudes, character traits, and even hobbies of the employees. Before the companies decided on a candidate, they began to compare these features with their current teams’ and employees’ features. This approach helps a new employee to adjust himself/herself to the organization more easily and help the company save more time and money.
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