It is particularly in times of corporate scandals and moral lapses that the broader public and interest groups in a corporation ask themselves the fundamental question, namely, who are corporate managers and are they ethical. It is only in the recent years that managers and researchers have turned their attention to ethics management. The concern for “ethical consciousness” comes at the time when the concept of leadership legitimacy is questioned and when the public’s trust in corporate governance is extremely low. Leaders ought to be a crucial source of ethical guidance for employees and should at the same time be responsible for moral development in an organization. People might think that ethics is something intimate, a confidential matter that an individual and his conscience share. How we behave, how we reach goals (as long as they are legal and legitimate), might not seem important, and some might even say that ethics has nothing to do with management. The truth is however just the opposite, ethics has a lot if not everything to do with management/leadership, and managers’ behaviour is disseminated throughout the corporations and their behavioural standards are the crucial part of corporate climate, and when stabilized, culture. The purpose of this paper is to examine the issue of managerial ethical orientation. Four distinct orientations were considered in this paper, namely justice orientation, deontological or contractualist orientation, relativism orientation and teleological orientation.
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