This study aims to describe the implementation of a bureaucratic reform policy in South Kalimantan Province’s BKKBN Representative. A qualitative approach has been adopted in order to investigate the policy implementation process. This research instrument seeks to create a thorough description of each meaning and words, a detailed report of the respondents. It consists of three stages: observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data includes reduction, display and verification. The results of the study describe the implementation level, the decision of the Head of the BKKBN and is followed by the release of the Decree of the Chief Representative of South Kalimantan Province BKKBN Number 15/HK.02.02/J1/2018 regarding the Bureaucracy Reform Team BKKBN South Kalimantan province. The BKKBN representatives of South Kalimantan Province are expected to continuously socialize and communicate the Bureaucracy Reform Policy that involves all ASN. This is specific to the development of staffing, so that ASN better understands the aims and objectives of bureaucratic reform.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v0i0.697
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