Reza Fahlevi


Training has been made a way for an organization in order to improve the hard skills and soft skills of his employees in order to improve performance, with the expectation that the organization's overall performance can be lifted as well. However, as long as this is not known for sure how much impact the training has on performance. Similarly, motivation, so far, organizations are trying to find the right formulation to spur the performance of civil servants with various policies. The purpose of this research is to test a significant influence on training and motivation to the performance of civil servants in the Regional Civil Service Agency of South Kalimantan province by positioning the level of education as a moderation variable. This research uses quantitative approaches with explanatory research types. The instrument used is a questionnaire that was distributed to the research sample of 80 people (sampling saturated). Data analysis uses Partial Least Square with SmartPLS v 3.2.8 software. The results proved to be a significant influence on training and motivation to the performance of Regional Civil Service Agency of South Kalimantan province. The level of education moderates the relationship between training to performance but does not moderate the relationship between the motivation to the performance of civil servants in the Regional Civil Service Agency of South Kalimantan province.


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training, motivation, performance, level of education

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