Currently, many organizations are facing trials when competing in the turbulent business environment; this is coupled with the current Covid-19 pandemic, which has worsened the strength of the organizations. The telecommunication companies in Malaysia was also not spared in this situation. Therefore, a crucial strategy for the telecommunication companies to gain competitive advantage is by conducting training to its employees at all levels to overcome this current drawback. This research aims to discover if training impacts job performance and job satisfaction which are two crucial variables that leads to the telecommunication company’s survival and growth. Therefore, in order to achieve the objective of this research, the survey procedure is used to develop a thorough profile, which is gathered from 316 out of 500 formal standardized questionnaires sent to employees at three major telecommunication companies in Malaysia. This research utilized the quantitative methods to produce empirical outcomes and substantiations that answer the research questions. The literature examined the areas of training, job performance, and job satisfaction to fill the gap and to determine the significance of training programs conducted on job performance and job satisfaction. The analysis shows that training is statistically significant and has a strong relationship with job performance and job satisfaction. The hypothesis depicted that training programs conducted in the telecommunication companies have a significant relationship with job performance and job satisfaction of the employees. Thus, the findings of this study could aid as an example to other companies in Malaysia to not take granted of the impact of training on job performance and job satisfaction. By undertaking continuous training, companies could rise against the current economic problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and continue to survive and flourish as well as maintain its competitive strength.
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