A. Ahmad, S. Suharto, Agus Subroto


Organizations generally believe that to achieve excellence must strive for the highest individual performance, because basically individual performance affects the performance of a team or work group and ultimately affects overall organizational performance. Malang Municipal Water Supply Company as one of the Regionally Owned Enterprises with a good image that has been owned by the company is demanded to improve the competence of its employees which will later be seen from its performance. Regional Drinking Water Company of Malang City as one of the Regionally Owned Enterprises, with a good image that has been owned, the company is demanded to improve the competence of its employees which will later be seen from its performance. The population in this study were 371 municipal water company employees in Malang. With a population size of 371 employees and an inaccuracy rate of 10%, the sample size in the study. After a total sample of 79 employees has been determined, the next sample is taken using a simple random sampling technique, which is a probability sampling technique where each element of the population has a selected probability of becoming a research sample. The results showed that organizational culture, work motivation, employee commitment, employee performance in municipal water company Malang City were perceived well, while freedom in innovation in carrying out work had a big role in shaping organizational culture variables.

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organizational culture, work motivation, employee commitment, employee performance

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