The general objective of this study is to analyze and reflect on the key competencies of trainers working for the Center for Professional Training of the Metallurgical and Metalworking Industry (CENFIM), in its Sines Delegation (NSI). As specific objectives it is intended to define the ideal trainer profile of the CENFIM NSI, in order to assess the degree of similarity of the candidate to meet that profile, with a view to making the process of recruiting and selecting these professionals more efficient and effective. A single case study was carried out with a quantitative approach, using the survey. At the sample level, the collection of information focused on three groups of stakeholders: firstly, the candidates “object” of the trainer selection process; second, the group of professionals from the CENFIM NSI management team, who will be referred to as specialists; third, the group of reference trainers, who have been collaborating with NSI for several years. The ordering of the relative importance of the identified competences made it possible to obtain, for candidates for training, the trainer competence profile (TCP). Each of the TCPs was compared to the ideal competence profile of the trainer and to the competence profile of the reference trainer. The percentages of similarity obtained for each of the TCPs were quite high, ranging between 83% and 89%. The results presented in this process are significant and contribute to the hiring decision of the trainer candidate. Assists managers of vocational training institutions in designing policies with a focus on skills that contribute to the development of high-performance work systems, leveraging the efficiency of the trainers to higher levels, and, inherently, the result of the trainees themselves.
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