Muhammad Ridha Haykal Amal, Arie Kartika


The historical existence of savings and loans cooperatives (KSP) in Indonesia cannot be separated from the account and development of cooperatives in the country. Savings and loans business has become the main basis for cooperative activities that make cooperatives persist and progress timelessly. Savings and Loans Cooperatives have even become the main goal of micro and small business players in finding welcoming and friendly sources of financing in the sense of low interest rates and a quick/ easy process to reach without conditions and based on family principles. With all forms of developments and changes, this type of savings and loan cooperative has the potential for the practice of money laundering. Suspicious financial transactions, such as payments for voluntary savings in large amounts that do not match the profile of service users and payments for cooperative savings made by other parties that have no relationship with service users. Thus, it should be suspected and followed up by an effort to prevent and combat money laundering. With the existence of Presidential Regulation Number 13 of 2018 concerning the Application of the Principles of Recognizing Beneficial Owners of Corporations in the Context of Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding Crimes, it is an initial anticipatory step to prevent money laundering in savings and loan cooperatives and savings units with the principle of knowing service users (PMPJ).

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beneficial ownership, money laundering crime, preventive efforts, savings and loans cooperatives

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