F. Mavezera Tinashe


The study sought to establish the use of information technology in literacy instruction by university lecturers. The focus was on the main demographic factors which significantly impact on the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in literacy instruction. The following variables were of interest: age, gender, highest qualification attained, work experience, tenure and employment status. The research was carried out at Great Zimbabwe University (GZU), a university in Masvingo Town, Zimbabwe. A descriptive survey was used as research design. Interviews and questionnaires were used as data collection instruments to eighty (80) lecturers from the Robert Mugabe School of Education and Culture based at GZU. The current study rides on the knowledge gap that previous studies had a tendency to look at primary and secondary school practitioners’ use of ICT and yet the problem could be at institutions of higher learning. The research looked at GZU’s perspective or policy to the use of ICT, teaching /learning outcomes for both students and lecturers, impediments to the use of technology and uses of technology by both lecturers and students. Quite significant therefore, is the fact that the research empowers all stakeholders to redirect their efforts to address the use of technology to enhance literacy instruction in institutions of higher learning. The results of the study revealed that there is less use of ICTs by lecturers in teaching and learning at the Robert Mugabe School of Education and Culture, Great Zimbabwe University. Variables such as age and gender were seen to affect the use of ICTs. Educational and academic qualifications and use of ICTs had an inverse relationship whereby an increase in one’s educational/academic qualifications showed a decrease in the use of ICTs. It is recommended that the university has to come up with a clear policy to guide lecturers on the use of ICTs in research, lecture preparation and presentation and assessment. Members of staff (Lecturers) were to frequently attend refresher workshops and seminars on the use of ICTs in education. It is also envisaged that personal computers and laptops are availed to teaching members’ offices and computer laboratories. This would result in effective teaching and research.

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information communication technology (ICT), literacy instruction, higher education, information literacy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v6i3.1032

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