This study compared the obsessive beliefs and eroticism (or sexual orientation) in women with the history of abortion, healthy and cold nature women. In the terms of method, this study is descriptive from causal-comparative type; and in the terms of fundamental purpose and data collection is a field study. The statistic society of the study was consisted from women with abortion history in 2017. For sample selection in this study, 30 sample persons from women communities with abortion history, 30 persons of healthy people and 30 persons of cold nature people (or women) were selected as study samples. The sampling method for women with abortion history was through the purposeful sampling; and random for healthy women. According to the research objectives and variable types, the appropriate instrumental question to measure the variables was identified. According to the library studies and internet searches, the questionnaire of standard obsessive beliefs (QBQ-44) was chosen as study tool. For questionnaires distribution, the required coordination was taken place with related clinics and by their cooperation, the questionnaires were distributed among the study samples and they were completed after responding. In order to test the statistic assumption after confirming the pre-assumption of data distribution normality, One-way variance analysis of tests and Tukey and Dunnett's post-hoc tests for comparing the obsessive beliefs and eroticism between the samples were used. The results of statistic assumptions testing showed, the obsessive beliefs and its components and Psychotic symptoms of eroticism in women with abortion history have meaningful difference.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.105
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