Tochukwu Matthew Oguegbe, Stephen Ebuka Iloke, Jerome Ogochukwu Ezisi, Enyeobi Bede Ofoma


The study investigated social support and locus of control as predictors of work life balance among workers. One hundred and forty one (141) workers from Stine Rice Industry, Amichi served as participants in the study, comprising 90 males (66.08%) and 51 females (33.92%). Their age ranged between 18 – 50 years with a mean age of 30.04 years and standard deviation of 8.1 years. The participants were selected using systematic and convenient sampling technique. Fisher's work life balance Scale (Fisher, 2001), Rotter internal-external locus of control scale 1966 (Rotter, 1966), and multidimensional scale of perceived social support (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet & Farley, 1988) was used for data collection. The design adopted in the research is a correlational design. Based on this, Multiple Linear Regression was adopted as the statistical tool for data analysis using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Three hypotheses were tested, and the results revealed that the first hypothesis which stated that social support would significantly predict work life balance among workers was accepted at (p>.05, t=2.161). The second hypothesis which stated that locus of control would significantly predict work life balance among workers was also accepted at (p>.05, t=-6.02). The third hypothesis which stated that social support and locus of control would jointly predict work life balance among workers was accepted at F(2,138)=24.214, p<.05 level of significant. Thus, based on the findings of this study, the researchers recommended that organizations should provide mechanisms that will provide support for workers in order to balance their work lives, should provide human resource initiatives that will enhance their productivity level. Also, the needs of employees are increasing owing to the many roles they play outside the work and family environment; managers are to be understanding when employees make requests to meet these needs. Limitations and implications of the study were also discussed.

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social support, locus of control, work-family balance

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Copyright (c) 2021 Tochukwu Matthew Oguegbe, Stephen Ebuka Iloke, Jerome Ogochukwu Ezisi, Enyeobi Bede Ofoma

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