T. Taufiqurrahman, S. Suharno


Strengthening ecological citizenship through the local wisdom of Ngaha Aina Ngoho by the Oi Oi Seli group in Bima Regency has given positive results in realizing environmental preservation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strengthening of ecological citizenship through the local wisdom of Ngaha Aina Ngoho in the Bima community through the programs of Desa Oi Seli Desa Maria, Kecamatan Wawo as a group that upholds the value of local wisdom of Ngaha Aina Ngoho. This research uses a case study research type. They were collecting data using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis used interactive analysis techniques consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results showed the strengthening of ecological citizenship through local wisdom of Ngaha Aina Ngoho, which was carried out through the Oi Seli Community consisting of; socialization of environmental awareness, reforestation of deforested forests and planting of protected and productive trees, empowerment of environmentally conscious groups, workshops and seminars and formulation of environmental protection regulations. The results of strengthening the value of Ngaha Aina Ngoho's local wisdom in the Bima community positively impact the environment, economy, and tourism. Meanwhile, the challenges and obstacles are still the minimum levels of public education and the ups and downs of members' enthusiasm in preserving the environment.

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local wisdom, Ngaha Aina Ngoho, ecological citizenship

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