Ömer Faruk Bulak, Mustafa Özdal


In our study, the effect of dynamic and static core training on taekwondo Bandal-Tchagui kick fatigue was investigated. For this purpose, 21 athletes participated in the study and they were divided into two as dynamic and static core groups. Both groups participated in the core training program for 6 weeks and fatigue was determined by measuring the kick impact pressure one day before and after the program. As a result of the data obtained, it was observed that fatigue was not affected both between the pre-post tests of the groups and between the groups (p>0.05). As a result, it can be said that dynamic and static core training has no effect on taekwondo Bandal-Tchagui kick fatigue.

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Bandal-Tchagui, fatigue, Taekwondo

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Copyright (c) 2021 Ömer Faruk Bulak, Mustafa Özdal

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