Ana Matias, Luís Cardoso


This article intends to analyze communication in organizations. Public Relations aim to spread the good image of an organization among its different targets, generally seeking to reach each restricted group through different actions; this is because, in this area of activity, it is always difficult to reach all relevant audiences through a global campaign, given their specificities and differences. A first major division is therefore created between internal and external audiences, with some subdivisions still being noted in each of them. In the last three decades, personnel management strategies began to make human aspects within the institution one of their priorities. Those responsible tend to adopt more humanitarian values, which facilitate the integration of workers in the company. A slow "mental revolution" is therefore underway, renewing the ideologies of the leaders, but also their personalities and attitudes. This may result in a better rationalization of relations between the Administration and other employees. In this order of ideas, we intend to include within the scope of Internal Public Relations a section dedicated to communication in organizations; this is conceptualized as a means of providing the information and understanding necessary for the efforts of individuals, translated into appropriate attitudes for motivation, cooperation, and satisfaction at work, which allow for the improvement of performance.


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organizational communication, public relations, communication strategies

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