Organized Crimes are no longer confined to geographical jurisdictions or national boundaries; instead, they have become transnational problems. Such crimes have existed in different forms, but the contemporary patterns are more complex that they have been in history. Transnational Organized Crimes (TOCs) affect almost every country, and are promoted by various factors including globalization, poverty and unequal wealth distribution, technological innovations, corruption, inadequate governance, geographical location and many others. The study addresses the rising cases of TOC activities in India; the country is currently affected by various criminal activities which are transnational in nature. Such include smuggling, firearms trafficking, human and drug trafficking, prostitution, kidnapping and cybercrimes. Criminal networks are expanding and diversifying their activities. Thus TOCs impair the social and economic development. The study also discusses the impact of TOCs in different sectors of the country. The study further analyses the major challenges the government faces to deal with the problems and recommends how to weaken the criminal network in the country.
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