This study employed a quasi-experimental method of research to determine the effectiveness of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) on the learning outcomes of grade 11 senior high school students. 90 students were taken for the study, 45 per group; control and experimental group. This experimental group was exposed to SIM in physical science while the other 45 students were catered to the conventional/traditional method. Data was gathered through the use of questionnaires and analyzed, employing mean and t-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean gain scores of the experimental and the control group by a t-computed of 2.710 with p-value of 0.008. The utilization of SIM can help to increase the learning outcome of the senior high school students than using conventional/traditional way of teaching. The data collected for this study included students’ responses on the pre-test and post-test in physical science from the researcher-made questionnaire. The research findings formed the basis of recommendations for the development of teaching and learning strategies and approaches which will develop students’ learning outcomes, eventually leading to high academic performance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v7i4.1249
Copyright (c) 2022 Reina Anne Cecilia Limbago-Bastida, Garry L. Bastida

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