Emma C. Ceballo, Faith Ann Joy C. Absin


This study focused on the lived experiences of children with incarcerated mothers, how they cope with their present situation, and the insights they can share with other children who are going through the same experiences they have. This study used the qualitative phenomenological method of research to explore in-depth the experiences, coping strategies, and personal insights which can be shared by the participants. The research study purposely identified seven individuals from ages 15-21, for the in-depth interview who are all residents of the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. The results show that the children-participants struggled so much in their daily endeavors as they felt the impact of living without their mother. They were forced to deal with worries, sadness, and even quitting from studies and going into vicious life. However, amidst everything they were able to cope and continue to live as they turned adversities to optimism, uphold mental health, and strengthened their faith in God. Faith in God, prevent prayers, optimism and resiliency were the coping strategies employed by the participants with some efforts to look for alternative sources of income to augment the family’s income and do better in their studies. The insights shared by participants are to remain positive always, to keep a strong faith in God, and always bear in mind that there is always light and hope after the pain and sorrow.


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children, incarcerated mothers, social studies, phenomenology, Davao del Sur, Philippines

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