Athina Konstantinou, Theofano Papakonstantinou, Maria Pavlis Korres


This article explores the participation of Roma women in public life and how this is strengthened through their participation in the Roma Political School in Greece. The study focused on the reasons for participation and the expectations of women from their participation in the Roma Political School, but also on the barriers they encounter and the opportunities they are given to participate in social and political events. It has highlighted the emergence of proposals for the empowerment and strengthening of the position of Roma women in politics. A qualitative methodology was followed, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 4 Roma women and two officials of the Council of Europe who participated in the Roma Political School in Greece. The findings of the study showed that progress has been made towards the active citizenship of Greek Roma women and, through their participation in the RPS, women expect to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in order to actively participate in the community and contribute to resolving the problems and addressing the needs of their community. However, there are also several inhibiting factors that affect the active citizenship of women: stereotypical perceptions of the position of women prevailing in the Gypsy community, women's low level of education, and their lack of self-confidence. The main proposals that emerged in relation to strengthening women's participation in the public sphere are related to information and the dissemination of information, the strengthening of women's participation in associations, the participation of women in education and adult education and in specialized political programs, and the breaking down of stereotypes concerning the position of women.


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Roma women, active citizenship, non-formal education, Council of Europe, Roma political school

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