T. Chandrika Peiris, Junainah Abd Hamid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Jacquline Tham


The public education system of Sri Lanka suffers from poor education outcomes and wide disparities in academic achievement across schools, and studies have revealed that students’ outcomes are best when the teachers are qualified in both, the subjects they are assigned to teach and in pedagogy. Though the studies have revealed that student outcomes can be improved by improving the professional skills of teachers, any convincing evidence of the influence of teachers’ professional skills on student outcomes in Sri Lanka cannot be found. To fulfil that gap, this study explored the influence of teachers’ professional skills on student outcomes in government schools in Sri Lanka, using the pretest, posttest experimental design. Data were collected before and after the 8-week intervention period, from a sample consisting of 102 students and four teachers of English, that were observed quantitatively. Findings revealed that teachers’ professional skills as one of the most influential factors that decide the student outcomes directly of a school, which offer valuable recommendations to the education system in Sri Lanka, in order to enhance student outcomes by taking steps to improve the professional skills of teachers.


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Teacher’s Professional Skills (TPS), Student Outcomes (SO), English as a Second Language (ESL)

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Copyright (c) 2022 T. Chandrika Peiris, Junainah Abd Hamid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Jacquline Tham

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