John M. Chihiya, Emmanuel Nhedzi, Jemitias Mapira


Waste segregation at the source, which is a pre-requisite aspect in waste management challenges, is a concept that mining sectors in Zimbabwe are yet to completely appreciate and put into practice on a broader scale.  The accumulation of solid waste has become a global challenge in various mining industries. Despite the efforts of Unki Platinum Mine in environmental management participation in solid waste segregation at Unki Platinum Mine is still limited. Since the organization needs to accomplish its aim of zero waste to landfills by 2030, it is critical to encourage source separation practices among its personnel. There is a need to recognize the issues at a general employee level in order to propose appropriate suggestions for enhancing solid waste segregation at the source. The goal of this study was to look into the issues of solid waste segregation at the source at the Unki Platinum Mine in Shurugwi. Several departments at the mine that create significant solid wastes were chosen to participate in this investigation. Within the Mining, Concentrator, Human Resources, Mineral Resources Management, Engineering, and Environmental, Health and Safety and Quality (SHEQ) departments, questionnaire sets were distributed to the targeted audience. This research included a variety of data collection methods, including questionnaires, observations, and guided interviews. The problems with solid waste segregation at the source have been highlighted. These include a lack of adequate awareness and enough receptacles, especially in underground working locations, and failure to recognize substantial waste in sections, as well as behavioral tendencies and indifference on the part of most employees toward solid waste segregation systems. More recyclable waste is being dumped into landfill as a result of poor solid waste segregation at the source. The study findings revealed that inadequate receptacles, trash collection equipment, and a lack of effective instruction to staff are likely infrastructure hurdles to correct solid waste segregation at the source. Solid waste segregation at the source can be achieved by providing adequate receptacles, motivating personnel with incentives, and implementing appropriate instructions, awareness and initiatives.


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waste segregation challenges, Unki platinum mine, Shurugwi, Zimbabwe

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