Regine Celine A. Lozada


This study assessed the job performance of the district ALS implementers in relation to ALS program achievement in the Area V districts in Leyte Division for improved quality of life. Specifically, this research answered the following questions: (1) What is the profile of ALS implementers in terms of age, sex, experience, and relevant training?; (2) What is the level of the job performance of the district ALS implementers?; (3) What is the achievement level of the ALS program in terms of Basic Literacy and Accreditation and Equivalency Program?; (4) Is there a significant relationship between the implementers’ profile and their job performance?; and (5) Is there a significant relationship between the implementers’ job performance and ALS program achievement? The research hypotheses tested were: (1) There is a significant relationship between the implementers’ profile and their job performance; and (2) There is a significant relationship between implementers’ job performance and achievement of the ALS program. The findings revealed that the ALS implementers belonged to the 30 – 38 age bracket with more females than males. They have varying experiences and training attended. They performed their job very well. Literacy achievement is also satisfactory and substantially related to their job performance. Likewise, their profile, particularly sex, experience, and training were related to their job performance. It is concluded that the ALS program in Area V has been managed well by the implementers. The literacy programs are effective in attaining their teaching objectives. Job performance has a positive impact on literacy program achievement. It is recommended that a functional staff development program for ALS implementers be provided to make them more competent and productive. Strictly enforce the policies and programs to have a uniform and more accurate implementation. More incentives are given to all those involved in the ALS programs and projects for greater commitment from them.


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Alternative Learning System (ALS), ALS implementers, job performance

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