To remedy historic injustices against the Albanian borders and stop the violence and Serbian military repression against Kosovo Albanians, the delegates of Albania at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920, demanded the revision of Albania's borders of 1913. They made efforts to include Kosovo and other Albanian territories within the Albanian state.[1] But even after the intense talks that took place in Paris and in its circumstances that resulted in the signing of the Peace Agreements in Versailles between States of Antante and other states of axis,[2] Kosovo at this peaceful conference was left in the framework of the newly formed Kingdom of Serb-Croat-Slovenia (MSKS). Whereas Albania an independent state was admitted to the borders of 1913.[3] As a consequence, Kosovo's economic situation began to weaken.
[1] Dusan T. Batakoviç, Serbian government and Esat Pashë Toptani, without year and place of publication, IDK, page. 54.
[2] Момир Јовић, History of the Serbs, Приштина, 1997, f. 274-275.
[3] Василије Крестић-Ђорђе Лекић, Kosovo and Metohija for centuries Зубља, Приштина, 1995, f. 63; Prof. Dr. Muin Çami, Albanians on the Kosovo problem at the end of the I World War, The Kosovo issue is a historical and current problem, (Symposium held in Tirana on: 15-16 Prill 1993), Tiranë, 1996, f. 143.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.140
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