This study aims to analyze the amount of added value obtained from the cassava agro-industry according to the type of downstream product in the study area; to analyze the cassava agroindustry development strategy in the research area. The data analysis method used is the hayami method and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the downstream products of cassava agro-industry development in the study area were Alen-Alen, Mie Yeye, Opak, Rengginang and Chips. The added value obtained for Alen – Alen products is Rp. 2000/kg(59.3%), Mie Yeye product is Rp. 1,471/kg (49%), Opak products Rp. 1,692/kg (45%), Rengginang products Rp. 2,596/kg (44%) and Chips products of Rp. 2,250/kg (26%). The added value of cassava processing agro-industry products in the research area is still in the low category, because it is below 50%, except for Alen - Alen products and Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, The strategy for developing the cassava agro-industry in Binjai City is in quadrant I, namely the aggressive strategy, which is implemented, namely the SO strategy to increase production to expand markets, take advantage of raw material prices and processed cassava quality and seek opportunities for modern markets and exports of processed cassava.
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Copyright (c) 2023 M. Syarif Hidayah Simanjorang, R. Rahmanta, Satia Negara Lubis

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