The usefulness of Geographical Information System GIS, in the electric distribution network in some countries of the world is appreciated in the literatures. This is viewed among others in the capacity of the tool to solve the spatial planning problem of electric distribution network that is seemingly intractable. Similarly, its potentialities for production of accurate updated information database about any spatial feature make this system become imperative as panacea. Absence of adequate information database had been one of the major problems hindering effective electricity service delivery before and after privatisation in Nigeria. The aim of this paper is to highlight the GIS application as a solution to the poor electricity service delivery being experienced in the country. Objectively, the paper asserts the absence of inadequate electric facilities’ distribution information database and the need for a specific technique to stand in the gap from the literature. Content analysis of some authors contribution on this issue form the methodology adopted in this paper. Finally, the paper suggests the application of GIS method as a veritable tool to cure problem of spatial distribution network by mapping the consumers to corresponding electric facility network with reference to the transformer, pole, wire and cable, substation, feeder switches and auto circuit breaker. This would not only enhance availability of accurate information database but would guarantee proper control, easy monitoring, appropriate maintenance and eventual effective service delivery even under privatization.
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