Rukundo Simeo, Elysee Hitayezu, Marie Therese Uwamariya, Ngirinshuti Vedaste, Jean Bosco Turatsinze, Innocent Musanganire


This study investigates the impact of pastors' family well-being on pastoral ministry within the ADEPR Nyamasheke Local Church. Recognizing the integral role pastors play in the spiritual guidance and growth of congregations, the research explores the reciprocal relationship between pastors' family well-being and the effectiveness of pastoral ministry. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the study involves surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions with pastors, their families, and congregants. The research aims to quantify and qualitatively assess various dimensions of pastors' family well-being, including economic stability, emotional health, and familial relationships. Additionally, the study examines the perceived impact of pastors' family well-being on key indicators of pastoral ministry effectiveness, such as congregational growth, community impact, and pastoral satisfaction. The findings of this research chart provide a comprehensive analysis of the Church's leadership effectiveness, revealing strengths and weaknesses through expressed percentages. While an overall frequency suggests a perception of weak leadership, a minority of respondents express satisfaction in certain areas. Pastors, Mothers' Union members, and choir group leaders particularly commend aspects like the leadership system, individuals with gifts, and effective management. However, the item indicating 18.48% reveals a shortage of qualified staff, a concern elaborated in a previous table. Additionally, the 21.12% representing management underscores perceived challenges in organizational effectiveness. This nuanced examination unveils a complex narrative, portraying both positive and concerning aspects of leadership within the Church. Contribute valuable insights to the understanding of the interconnected dynamics between pastors' family well-being and the overall success of pastoral ministry within the unique context of the ADEPR Nyamasheke Local Church. The implications of the study may inform pastoral training programs, church policies, and community engagement strategies to enhance the holistic well-being of pastors and, consequently, the vibrancy of pastoral ministry.


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