Mahmud Shafinaj


The present study explored the current status of women. Women’s participation in rural areas seriously impacts on society. The study head first found two categories of women. There are four types of data sources Jhalokathi upazila porishad, court police, several NGOs, and local and national newspapers. The study found that dead gender with power and money were significant motives. Women’s participation focuses mainly on gender equality and explores genuine democracy. They are deprived of public decision-making and accountabilities. Women’s participation in political terms basically creates gender equality and affects another complication. These complications are considered for solutions that are referred to in research. Gender equality is the primary function. Male and female Functions create policy priorities. Supporting women to grow up in leadership functions or participate in decision-making creates equality. Mainly, supporting women and men is essential to creating a beautiful society. This equality should be related to wealth and power and promote women’s rights. Women are the backbone of families and communities. They provide care, support, and nourishment to their families and are essential to the development of children. Women also play a significant role in community building and often take on leadership roles in community organizations.


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challenge, gender discrimination, violence, women, women empowerment, politics, participation, contribution, economy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i1.1755

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