Magdi Saad Farag Ali, Hani Saed Faraj Ali


Boiling water exhibits an exceptionally high heat transfer coefficient, making it a valuable tool across numerous applications. However, once the heat flux surpasses a certain elevated threshold, the heated surface can no longer sustain continuous liquid contact. This is associated with a significant decline in heat transfer efficiency. The result may be a sudden spike in surface temperature within a heat flux-controlled system, or a dramatic decrease in power transferred in a temperature-controlled system. In the present study, the heat flux has been investigated in a circular channel heated by two roads. Parameters with emphasis on water flow velocity correlated with different heat transfer values from the roads. The methodology contains both laboratory experiments and a simulation model. The obtained results indicate that different heating surfaces play an important role in boiling heat transfer. Also, there is a clear relationship between the water flow and surface temperature. The amount of absorbed temperature increases by about 13% in a flow of 0.45 m/s. while in the water flow velocity 0.89 m/s and 1.34 m/s vary to 16.3% and17% respectively. The other impressive result is the phenomenon of alternate water temperature values due to certain regional temperatures. It's observed that there is a difference in heat absorption based on the amount of heat flux from the surface. The general rate of heat flux in the system was 6736.557 W/1°C for each square meter of heat generation. The obtained information is useful in controlling the boiling water reactor from sudden shutdown and also in controlling the boundaries in the design phase.


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nuclear reactor, heat transfer, boiling flow, turbulence models, heat flux, temperature distribution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i4.1860

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