This qualitative study explores multiple cases of navigating the post-pandemic business landscape in the travel and tourism industry. The researcher involved four (4) ticketing and travel agency business owners within the Davao Region and used purposive sampling techniques in choosing the study participants. The participant's sequence number during the Case units' pseudonyms were PO1, PO2, PO3, and PO4. A comprehensive, in-depth interview was used to collect data using multiple-case designs. This study's multiple case analysis approach fits the qualitative research paradigm, which aims to explore the significance of respondents' data, experiences, and perspectives. A thematic analysis approach was utilized for PO1_CQ1.1, which pertains to Participant 1 under Central Question 1 and Sub Question 1. Thus, it is pointed out that the significant themes in handling travel and tourism service businesses in the post-pandemic business landscape were Health and Safety Protocols, Marketing and Promotion, Digital Innovations, Partnerships and Collaborations, and Flexibility and Adaptability. Significant themes in coping mechanisms with the changes brought by the post-pandemic business landscape are precautions in safety measures, virtual customer engagement and experience, resilient business operation, strategic planning, and business innovation.
SDG Indicated: SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)
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